Pocahontas team members must have a pool membership.
Without a pool membership, you will not be allowed to practice.
Skills Assessment Tryouts or a skills ability swim test will be held for new swimmers. Demonstrated skills include but are not limited to:
Swim one length of the pool unassisted. (1/2 of pool for 8&Unders)
Does not have to be a specific stroke.
Listen and follow directions well.
Other skills are determined by the coaching staff.
Please see the Practice Schedule for the Try-out dates.
You can schedule a skills assessment by emailing us at [email protected]
Team Suit
We do not have a specific team swimsuit.
We do ask that a swimmer wear a red or black suit at meets.
Meets suits cannot have logos or advertisements for entities other than the PAC Dolphins Swim Team.
Practice Schedule It is not mandatory that every practice be attended. Granted swimmers usually improve quicker when they are.
Practice schedule is posted on our website.
Parental Involvement It takes a small army to organize and run a swim meet. Every family will be asked to volunteer their time, at swim meets that they attend, and at our home meets.